It’s just another attempt
to expand the child welfare surveillance state and take away far more children.
Fresh from
suggesting that thousands of Americans who choose to homeschool their children
are, at best, Bible-thumping ignoramuses and at worst might be secret torturers
of children, Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet of Harvard Law School and several
co-authors have written a
column for the Chronicle of Social
Change complaining that their feelings have been hurt.
The only
examples they cite are a couple
of tweets from prominent conservative public officials. They do not actually link to them, as I have
done above – perhaps because they are considerably less vicious than the
authors of the Chronicle column
The tweets criticize a law review
article Bartholet wrote condemning homeschooling, and a subsequent story
in Harvard Magazine. They were not personal attacks. By the
standards of Twitter, they are almost genteel.
Yes, Mike Pompeo, in his personal Twitter account, called
Bartholet a “radical leftist scholar.” But the only people who should be
offended by that are we real leftists
who know Bartholet has not earned such an accolade.
Contrary to
the claim by Bartholet and her coauthors, I can find no call to “shut down” the
debate over homeschooling. Rather, they have joined it.

They are
right to be offended. Yes, Bartholet & Co. offer the usual token disclaimers: many homeschoolers do a great job, “none
of us advocate [sic] an absolute ban on homeschooling,” etc. But that is belied by Bartholet’s own
recommendation in the law review article. It comes under the heading: “General
Presumption Against Homeschooling with Burden on Parents to Justify Exceptions.”
And even when parents are granted an exception, Bartholet writes, their
children “should still be required to attend some courses and other programs at
An extreme agenda
The list of
publications on Bartholet’s Harvard website include no previous work I can find
on education policy, and she does not claim it as an “area of interest”
in her biography. So why the sudden interest in homeschooling? I think it’s because Bartholet’s critique of
homeschooling isn’t really about homeschooling, or education in general. It’s
about surveillance. Because that's how she sincerely, and wrongly, thinks children are best protected.
That’s not
just my word – it’s hers. In her book, Nobody’s
Children (pp. 170,171), Bartholet proposes that every family in America
with a young child be required to let
in a government-approved “home visitor” to inspect their home at regular
intervals from the child’s birth until school age. The visitors would be
required to report to authorities anything they considered a threat to a
child’s safety or “well-being.”
Bartholet is explicit in recommending this for purposes of
As for the
number of children Bartholet wants torn from their families, in her book she
writes that they should be removed in cases of “serious” abuse and
neglect. And she writes that “Estimates
indicate that more than three million children a year are subjected to serious
forms of abuse and neglect.” (p. 61).

An even more extreme agenda
One of her Chronicle co-authors, James Dwyer, is
even more extreme, so extreme that at times it blinds him to the real dangers
facing children – even COVID-19.
In 2011, he
called for the massive
forced relocation of poor families. The penalty for not uprooting
themselves and their children from “terrible” inner city neighborhoods and
exiling themselves – if necessary to small towns and rural areas: government confiscation
of the children.
Dwyer blithely declares that most
poor parents who live in “terrible place[s]” so do by choice, not because it’s
all they can afford. Most of the rest,
he says, made the irresponsible choice to have children – “or to risk creating
a child by having sex, despite knowing the child would live in a terrible
place…” And besides, he writes, “a relatively
high percentage of adults who live in the worst neighborhoods are marginal to
begin with…”
recently, Dwyer suggested that child abuse in the home is so rampant that
schools should
not have closed to avoid the spread of coronavirus. He says “the shutdown decision arguably
amounted to a prioritizing of the welfare of certain adults over the welfare of
children." By this he means that
children appear less likely to get coronavirus or, he claims, to transmit it.
What is
unclear is which adults he means. We do
know that the
research on the extent to which children transmit coronavirus is
mixed. We also know that in New York
City alone 63
public school employees died of coronavirus before schools there were shut
down. Presumably some of them left
children behind – some of them might even have been good parents. And Dwyer makes no reference to a
COVID-related disease that does,
indeed, attack children – and might have attacked many more had schools not
been closed.
A failed model
The problem
with the surveillance state model is that it devastates the psychological
well-being of millions of children subjected to traumatic child abuse
investigations (more than half of African-American children will
endure such an investigation), it increases the risk that children will be
consigned needlessly to the chaos of foster care – and it doesn’t curb child
abuse. That’s because the horror stories
in which Bartholet revels are
a tiny fraction of the millions of reports alleging child abuse or neglect.
As I’ve
noted before, 91 percent of calls to state child abuse hotlines are either
so absurd they’re screened out or they turn out to be false. Another six
percent involve neglect, which often means poverty. And that’s why the surveillance state model
doesn’t work.
et. al. want all children under the constant gaze of “mandated reporters” of
child abuse. But the mandatory reporting regime was put in place with no
studies beforehand to see if it would work. Recent research confirms that, in
fact, it backfires, driving families away from seeking help and overloading
child protective services agencies so they have less time to find children in
real danger.
another problem with the child welfare surveillance state was highlighted by
Bartholet herself – well, sort of.
From the moment a child protective
services investigator shows up at the door, families are almost entirely at
their mercy. In most of the country,
there is no meaningful due
process. There is no federally guaranteed right to counsel, and in most
places no effective counsel. The
standard of proof is almost non-existent, judges are under enormous pressure to
rubber-stamp CPS agencies and most court hearings and records are secret.
Why is that
a problem? As Elizabeth Bartholet so
aptly put it: “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge
of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”
Oh, wait, never mind. Bartholet was
speaking of parents, not the government.
Toward a real dialogue
But perhaps
she’s changed her mind. I was happy to read that what Bartholet and her
coauthors really want is “a civil, data-driven discussion about the advantages
and pitfalls of homeschooling and how best to ensure the safe education of all
I assume
this means Bartholet will use the pandemic-induced pause to change her plans
and convene a conference with equal representation and equal time for all
sides, and neutral moderators to guide a constructive dialogue. And I assume she wants all sides to share
equally in the planning process.
Perhaps she
can even get the Home School Legal Defense Association to co-chair it.