News and commentary from the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform concerning child abuse, child welfare, foster care, and family preservation.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Scandal at a New York RTC illustrates how Congress managed to make the plight of sex-trafficking victims even worse
The vastly overhyped “Family
First Act” comes complete with a “presents for pimps” loophole. That will encourage more tragedies like the
one at Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls.
The mere fact that an overwhelming body of research finds residential treatment to be a failure never seems to be enough in itself to shut these places down. Neither is the fact
that almost none of the young people institutionalized in such places really
need to be there. There is nothing an RTC
can do that can’t be done better with Wraparound programs, in which all the
help a child needs is brought into the child’s own home or a foster home.
Anyone could have seen all this coming. Predators go where the prey is. The role of group homes and institutions in making sex trafficking easier has been documented
over and over.
It’s always cause for celebration when a place that
institutionalizes children is forced to close.
So tomorrow is a day to celebrate.
The residential treatment portion of Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls, an
institution in Westchester County, north of New York City, is scheduled to shut
But don’t celebrate too much. A new federal law actually
makes it easier to keep such institutions going, and set up new ones.
The shutdown of the residential treatment portion of
Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls won’t happen because the agency that runs it, the Jewish
Board Family and Children’s Services, had a crisis of conscience. It will
happen because the pressure from upset neighbors and state regulators became
too much. What was upsetting them? Oh, just the usual: violence and sex

Further evidence for this can be found just by looking at
what was done when Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls was forced to start shutting down, a
process that started nearly a year ago. According
to the Rockland
/ Westchester Journal News:
When it was announced Cedar Knolls would close, there were 54 youths staying there out of a capacity of 78. The youths were expected to go back to their families or be placed with foster families. The final six children are to be transferred a facility in New York City, a spokeswoman told The Journal News on Thursday. [Emphasis added.]
Which raises an
obvious question: Why were they institutionalized in the first place?
Yes, most people who work in and run such places mean well. Their intent is to help vulnerable children and they've convinced themselves they're doing just that. But the evidence says otherwise.
To really understand this story, it’s worth taking a trip through time.
To really understand this story, it’s worth taking a trip through time.
1990: “Love knows no locksmith.”
The first time I read about Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls was when
it and a sister institution, Linden Hill, were exposed as hellholes by New York Newsday. It was 1990, and reporter Michael Powell
found that the institutions were
plagued by violence, unchecked sex, and poor supervision. ... Said one counselor: "They have lost sight that the program is no longer safe to kids. It's outrageous."
When confronted, the institutions did what they so often do:
They blamed the children.
In one case, a teenage boy with a history of aggressive
sexual behavior allegedly forced a 14-year-old girl to have sex with another
boy. The director of Linden Hill said the sex was consensual. “Do you set up a
situation that is locked down or do you allow kids to try their wings?” he
said. “[You ask] how could it happen?
Well, it’s almost inevitable. Love knows no locksmith.”
In a just world, the 1990 expose should have been enough to
shut these places down.
Unfortunately, a few years later, in spite of such
high-quality journalism, it was New York
Newsday that actually shut down. Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls kept right on collecting
hundreds of dollars per day per child to “treat” children, even though, as
noted earlier, the evidence is overwhelming that residential
treatment is a failure.
2017: All those runaways
Twenty-seven years after that first New York Newsday expose, the young people at Hawthorne- Cedar
Knolls were “trying their wings” once again – running away in massive numbers;
massive as in 73 percent of them in a single year.
The New York Times reported that though
the institution supposedly was treating victims of sex trafficking, the fear
was that the runaways were falling victim to sex traffickers.
Once again, the institution blamed the victims. The Times’ explained the supposed “dilemma”
for such places: They can’t “treat” people who keep running away, but if you
make it harder for young people to run, then the places become more like jails
– and people who have been victims of sex trafficking shouldn’t be treated like
The headline on the Times
story was: “How Do You Care for Sex-Trafficking Victims if You Can’t Hold On to
Them?” But the story omitted the answer: You place them with people they want
to hold on to – in other words, a family.
That, apparently is exactly what happened to most of the children at
Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls, but only when the institution was pressured into
Surely when 73 percent of the residents run away in a single
year, it’s time to consider the possibility that the problem is the place they’re
running from.
2018: A pipeline to prostitution
On Thursday, the breadth of a pipeline carrying young women out of Hawthorne and into prostitution became clearer. Nineteen people were charged in a sex-trafficking ring that exploited young women and girls as young as 13 years old, federal prosecutors said.
At least 15 victims were in the child welfare system, including nine who were residents of Hawthorne, the prosecutors said. …
“These were especially vulnerable victims,” the prosecutor, Elinor L. Tarlow, said. “They didn’t have stable residences. They didn’t have family support. They didn’t have guidance.”
She said the accused traffickers capitalized on that vulnerability. “They approached victims as if they had a romantic interest in them,” she said. “They offered them a place to stay and then they pushed them into prostitution.” [Emphasis added.]
One wonders what that former director of Hawthorne’s sister
institution might have said in response.
The good news: No one from Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls has been
accused of being part of the alleged trafficking ring, or even knowing about it.
The bad news: It all went on right under their noses.
As for all that violence reported back in 1990? Well, let the Journal News tell you. This
story about Hawthorne-Cedar Knolls and another RTC in the area was
published last Friday:
Things got so bad at local residential treatment centers for troubled youth that town police were responding to incidents on the two campuses multiple times on the same day.
In recent years, more than one squad car had to be dispatched on each call because of the potential for violence, with about one-third of all Mount Pleasant police calls tied to the two facilities and its young residents.
The “presents for pimps” loophole

And that’s what makes the callousness and cynicism of
America’s group home industry so breathtaking.
They used the desperation of Members of Congress to pass the vastly
overhyped so-called “Family First
Act” to make tragedies such as this even more likely.
The law puts some very minor, easy-to-evade limits on when
the federal government will help foot the enormous bill for institutionalizing
children in group homes and residential treatment centers.
But the group home industry chafed at even these minor
restrictions. So they added what should be called the “presents
for pimps” loophole. The spigot of
federal dollars stays open for:
A setting providing high-quality residential care and supportive services to children and youth who have been found to be, or are at risk of becoming, sex trafficking victims
Never mind that such settings are probably the worst
possible place for such children and youth.
The ugliness is on the inside
Even the Times
accepted one time-honored ploy of children’s institutions everywhere. The
latest story declares that
Hawthorne Cedar Knolls was on idyllic, green grounds. It was landscaped to give some peace and stability to the emotionally troubled teenagers who were placed there.
The Journal-News,
which, in the past, has done some of the most sophisticated journalism in
America on residential treatment, fell for it. They accepting an invitation
last year for an “exclusive tour” of the place, and then wrote a
story (with 25 photos) that begins:
Passing through the hallways, the residence areas at Hawthorne Cedar Knolls could be mistaken for college dorms.
Couches lining common rooms. Pastel-colored walls with busy bulletin boards. Phrases like "I am beautiful" scrawled on the chalkboard-like backs of bedroom doors.
It's a setting where young people are encouraged to be creative and grow. It's also a setting where they are offered help to handle the hardships that life has dealt them.
It’s all straight out of the group home industry propaganda
playbook. They claim the very presence of their lovely landscaping creates a “therapeutic
milieu.” Except, again, there is
overwhelming evidence that, no matter what the “milieu,” residential treatment
doesn’t work.
The actual target of the “therapeutic milieu” is
visitors. It exists so the people who
run such places can say: “How can you call us an institution? Look how pretty
everything is – we’re so home-like.” The milieu is intended to convince visitors that
such places must be doing good things for children and couldn’t possibly be
Yes, the grounds of residential treatment centers often are
pretty. It’s their souls that so often are ugly.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Our outrage about what happened to Jazmine Headley’s baby should extend to the cases that are not caught on tape.
DEC. 16: The New York Times has a very good story delving
into the details of what happened that day, and explaining where things stand
now. But I found this paragraph particularly striking:
Body-cameras worn by the officers recorded the guard telling Ms.
Headley that if she did not leave she would be taken to central booking and the
city’s child-welfare agency would take her son away, according to a person
briefed on the matter.
Why is it
that other government agencies that want to bully poor people always seem to
know they can count on “child protective services” to do their dirty work for
There have been scores of stories such as this one about a case in which security guards for New York City’s public assistance agency and some New York City police officers were caught on video, endangering the one-year-old son of Jazmine Headley by prying him from her arms.
Here’s the tape, recorded by a bystander:
What crime had the mother committed? After waiting hours in
an overcrowded office in Brooklyn that didn’t have enough chairs, she sat on
the floor with her baby.
The mother has been jailed.
In an Orwellian twist, the charges against her include "acting
in a manner injurious to a child.” But,
as Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, himself a former New York City police
officer, said: “The mother didn’t endanger the welfare of a child. The actions
of the [police] department endangered the welfare of the child."
New York City’s child welfare agency, the Administration for
Children’s Services, was not involved in the initial incident – but, of course,
they’ve been called in now to investigate. (Investigate the mother, that is,
not the NYPD.) One would hope that ACS will have the decency to limit its
involvement to offering the family voluntary help or, if it can’t muster that, at
least stay the hell out of their lives and not make everything worse.
ACS does it, too
But ACS’ own track record is not reassuring. ACS has a long, ugly history of abusing
its own power to march into homes and remove children on the spot without so
much as asking a judge first. As is
discussed in
this previous post, just weeks ago ACS admitted that in hundreds of such
cases a few days later, as soon as
a judge holds a hearing, the judge orders the child sent right back home – much
the worse for the experience. That speaks volumes about how flimsy the grounds for the so-called "emergency" removal were in the first place.
But what are those removals like? Presumably they vary enormously. But, as it happens, a recent story on NPR’s LatinoUSA includes a description of an
unnecessary non-emergemcy “emergency” removal in New York City. It bears a
disturbing resemblance to what happened to Jazmine Headley’s son. Listen at 18:30 in:
So, what is the difference between the case of Jazmine
Headley’s son, which has so much of America outraged, and what child protective
services agencies such as ACS do when they abuse their power to remove children in
so-called emergencies? Sometimes, just the presence of a bystander with a
cellphone camera.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Secrecy and arrogance breed a culture of lying in child welfare
The examples below do not mean that lying is rampant in child welfare systems. But they illustrate a pervasive tolerance of whatever lying does exist.
There was an extraordinary moment in a courtroom in Houston
in October. A child protective services
caseworker was asked about apparent inconsistencies in things he had said at a
previous hearing on the same case. He
responded by asserting his Fifth Amendment right against
self-incrimination. He did it
Then the supervisor on the case testified. She did not take
the Fifth. But, as Keri Blakinger of the
Houston Chronicle reports, she
“drew incredulous looks in the courtroom when she so frequently claimed that
she didn’t know, couldn’t answer or didn’t understand the question that [a
lawyer] eventually asked if she had any knowledge that made her qualified
to make decisions.”
Judge Mike Schneider ultimately ruled that the children in
this case should not have been taken away.
Indeed, the removal may have jeopardized one child’s heath. Judge Schneider actually ordered the Texas
child protective services agency to stay away from the family. And he ordered
the agency to pay $127,000 to cover the family’s legal fees and other costs.
Judge Schneider branded the agency’s behavior “dishonest” and
possibly “malicious.” He
ruled the agency “abused the legal process” by deliberately filing
pleadings that included “misstatements of fact” and “material omissions.”
“It can be inferred from the context of [the caseworker’s]
testimony,” the judge wrote, “that he invoked his Fifth Amendment [rights] …to
avoid admitting to perjury.” He ordered
the child welfare agency to provide training to all staff “regarding the
truthfulness owed to the court and the penalties for perjury.”
Yes, that’s right. A
judge found that CPS workers actually need to be trained to know they’re not
supposed to lie in court. And he’s not
the only judge who’s felt the need to point that out.
Other examples
It would be bad enough were this the only such case. In fact, it’s another example of a culture of
lying that permeates the child welfare system.
● In Connecticut alone, between 2004 and 2007, two different
judges blasted that state’s child welfare agency for misleading them in
court. One
judge called a caseworker’s reports “disingenuous,” “misleading” and
“intellectually dishonest.” In another
case the
judge ruled that a caseworker deliberately distorted the facts of a case in
order to persuade a court to remove a child. The judge found that the worker
sought to “manipulate the facts” and “mislead the court.” Much as her
counterpart in Texas would do years later, she urged the child welfare agency
to explain to caseworkers the penalties for perjury.
● In 2016, a caseworker in California actually claimed what
amounted to a constitutional right
to lie. The worker didn’t admit to
lying – though a jury said she did – but when she was sued she argued she was entitled
to immunity because she didn’t know that lying to a court was a violation of
the family’s constitutional rights.
Sure, there’s a California statute that says immunity does not apply to
child welfare workers who, acting with malice, commit perjury and fabricate
evidence. And well, yes, the caseworker might
have known it was immoral and unethical but, hey, her lawyer argued, that
doesn’t mean she knew it was also unconstitutional.
Fortunately, the
courts did not buy this. But what does it say about child welfare that a
federal court actually had to explain to caseworkers that “There are no
circumstances in a dependency preceding that would permit government officials
to bear false witness against a parent.”
This tolerance, or worse, of lying, goes far beyond
individual workers.
The Connecticut caseworkers were not sanctioned. The worker in the California case actually
was promoted. At one point she was training other caseworkers. And that law that denies immunity to lying
caseworkers actually was opposed by the California County Welfare Directors
Association and the California chapter of the National Association of Social
In Texas, the child protective services agency did not penalize the caseworker who took the Fifth or the supervisor whose testimony
sounded so much like Sergeant Shultz
in Hogan’s Heroes.
The agency
declared: “Our actions in this case were appropriate.” They've appealed the financial sanction imposed by the judge.
And then, attorneys for the parents allege, it got
worse. They say an investigator for the County
Sheriff’s office contacted them to tell them that “at least ten CPS workers up
and down the foodchain” called to pressure
him into bringing criminal charges against the parents. Both the CPS agency
and the sheriff’s office deny it.
It’s not just the caseworkers
The culture of lying in child welfare goes beyond child
protective services agencies.
A judge in Snohomish County, Washington concluded
that the county’s Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program engaged in “the
blatant withholding and destruction of evidence and … rampant continuing lying
…” The judge continued:
This was not just a lot of lying. It was lying with no concern that you were lying. It was lying with ‘I don’t care if I get caught.’ It was lying again and again and again after getting caught. It was lying under circumstances where it could be absolutely proven you were lying.
But what about judges themselves?
In order for the costs of a foster care placement to be
eligible for partial federal reimbursement, a judge must check a box on a form certifying
that the child protective services agency made “reasonable efforts” to keep the
family together. In Michigan, 40
percent of judges surveyed admitted to lying about this – they checked the
“reasonable efforts” box even when they didn’t believe the agency had made
“reasonable efforts.” And that’s just
the percentage who will admit it in a survey.
All of this is before we reach the common claims that may
not quite be lies, but are blatant misrepresentations, such as assertions about
rate of abuse in foster care and due
process. (There is way more of the
former and way less of the latter than people in the system claim.)
A hothouse for lying
Is child welfare’s culture of lying worse than that in other
professions? I don’t know. I certainly
hope so – it would be depressing indeed to think that all professions
functioned this way. What I do know is
that a typical child welfare system is a hothouse for lying – the conditions
are perfect.
For starters, almost everything is secret. Almost all the records are secret and in most
states, so are the court hearings. (Texas is an exception; if not for that we
might never have known about the case in Houston, and certainly wouldn’t have
gotten such vivid accounts of what went on the courtroom.)
The secrecy promotes a “veto
of silence” that prevents this kind of lying from being exposed. For most of the public and the media any
parent whose child is taken away is presumed to be a “child abuser” –
regardless of the facts of the case. So
who is going to believe a “child abuser”
over a caseworker, much less a CASA or a judge?
The very fact that CPS workers’ mission is so vital breeds
an ends-justify-the-means mentality at best and a dangerous hubris at worst. More than 25 years ago, a Florida caseworker
allegedly told families “I have the power of God.” The attitude boils down to: We’re saving lives here, so what’s wrong with
a little lying? (Plenty, it turns out,
as those cases in Connecticut, Texas and California make clear. In all of those cases it was the children who
suffered because of the lying.)

That can change, but only if we demand transparency from
child welfare systems. That means a strong rebuttable presumption that all
court hearings and most records are
open. But it also means we need to
question our own preconceived notions about everyone in the system, and
everyone caught up in it.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
A judge’s dissent exposes the contradiction at the heart of CASA
Were CASA’s slogan honest it would be: “The voice of white privilege in Court”
A publication on the website of the National Court-Appointed
Special Advocates (CASA) Association says that the group was created to be the “child’s
voice in court.”
Some local CASA chapters use “a
child’s voice in court” as their slogan.
Others opt for “Lift
up a child’s voice.”
But a scathing dissent by a state supreme court justice
makes clear that, in many cases, that claim simply is not
The dissent itself did not criticize CASA, but in the course
of describing what a CASA does, and does not do, it exposes a misrepresentation
at the heart of the program.
CASAs are overwhelmingly white overwhelmingly middle-class
amateurs sent into the homes of people who are overwhelmingly poor and
disproportionately of color. The
amateurs then tell judges what decisions to make and, to a frightening degree,
the judges rubber-stamp the recommendations.
Yet, though CASAs almost always mean well, their only real “qualification”
typically is their white, middle-class status.
So it’s no wonder a law review article aptly argued that CASAs “give voice
to white supremacy.”
The problems with this should be obvious – and I don’t just
mean assorted scandals and other issues involving CASA chapters, which I’ve recapped here and at the end of this
The largest,
most comprehensive study of CASA ever done, a study commissioned by
the National CASA Association itself, found that the group’s only
accomplishments are to prolong foster care and reduce the chances that children
will be placed with relatives instead of strangers – while doing nothing to
improve child safety. The trade journal Youth Today concluded that CASA’s
efforts to spin the study findings “can border on duplicity.”
But all the while, CASA has been passing itself off as
speaking for the child. Much of the time, it does no such thing. And that’s
where the judge’s dissent comes in.
A case from Washington State
The case comes from Washington State and it involves the
issue of when children should have a real
voice in court – that is, a lawyer who will fight for whatever the child
wants. In Washington State appointment
of such lawyers is discretionary. In a recent decision
the State Supreme Court upheld this arrangement. But in a dissent, Justice Mary Yu argued that
the state constitution requires that lawyers be appointed for all children in
child welfare cases.
In the course of making her argument, she exposed a misrepresentation at
the heart of CASA.
The mandate of a CASA is to advocate for whatever the CASA
thinks is in the child’s best interests.
So if a child wants to go home and the CASA thinks it’s best for the
child to remain in foster care (or vice versa) then the CASA actually would be
violating Washington State law if she were “the child’s voice in court.”
The CASA is required to advocate for what she thinks is best
even when that means effectively silencing the child. And, it appears, that’s often what happens.
Justice Yu made that clear in discussing one of the cases on
which the court ruled. The child, known
as E.H., is now about ten years old, more than old enough to make his
preferences clear. His mother is in jail, but will be released next year. Justice
Yu writes:
E.H.'s position was (and remains) directly at odds with the position of his CASA and the State: E.H. wants to reunite with his mother, while the CASA and the State argue that termination of parental rights is in his best interests. When the court denied appointed counsel … E.H. was erroneously deprived of his right to be heard.
Although E.H. cannot reunite with his mother right now, she is scheduled to be released in July 2019, when E.H. will still have almost half of his childhood ahead of him. In the meantime, he is in a stable placement with foster parents who are willing to serve as long-term guardians for him. He has maintained a close relationship with his mother, and she has made every possible effort to remain an important part of his life. …
E.H. thus has a clearly stated position favoring reunification, and there is no apparent reason why that outcome is not a reasonable possibility in accordance with the law of this state.
The trial court noted that the CASA, though "somewhat leery," reported E.H.'s stated position to the court in accordance with her statutory duty. … However, the position of the State and the CASA, that termination is in E.H.'s best interests, directly conflicts with E.H.'s stated desire to reunite with his family.
The CASA is required to represent and advocate for termination in order to comply with her statutory duties, but termination and reunification are mutually exclusive outcomes. … No one could possibly advocate for both at the same time. The CASA's assessment of E.H.'s best interests therefore make it impossible for her to represent his position.
It gets weirder.
Justice Yu points out that the CASA actually had a lawyer to argue for
the CASA’s position – that E.H’s rights to his own mother should be terminated
-- yet E.H. had no lawyer to argue for what he actually wants - reunification.
The usual defense
The standard answer from CASA apologists is that the CASA
also is supposed to tell the court what the child wants – even when she
advocates for the opposite. And in this
case the CASA did just that.
But I wonder how many people suggesting that is enough for
children would say it was enough if they were
on trial.

Anyone who considered that an adequate defense really would
be not guilty – by reason of insanity.
Or, as Justice Yu put
it: “reporting a child's position while strongly advocating against it does
nothing to protect a child's right to be heard.”
She cites alarming data suggesting that’s what happens most
of the time. According to one study
CASAs in Washington State presented actual arguments in support of the
children’s position only 30 percent of the time.
And, Justice Yu noted, when a child has no one vigorously
advocating for what she or he wants, it undermines the pursuit of that child’s
“best interests.” In a reminder that should be heeded by judges across the
country, she writes:
Trial courts cannot ascertain what is in the child's best interests by simply deferring to a CASA's … position. Courts must instead consider the positions of all the parties and reach their own conclusions.
So in addition to all the other failings of CASA, add the
fact that National CASA and its chapters don’t dare even be fully honest about
what they do. A CASA is not a child’s
voice in court. A CASA is a CASA’s voice in court. And that means, most of the time, a CASA is the
voice of white privilege in court.
The trouble with CASA:
A brief recap
There have been so
many problems and, sometimes, scandals.
Here’s a list:
● There’s the
study, commissioned by
National CASA itself, that found the program prolongs foster care and reduces
the likelihood that children will be placed with strangers instead of relatives
– with no evidence that it improves child safety.
● There’s the conclusion from the trade journal Youth Today,
that CASAs efforts to spin the study findings “can border on duplicity.”
● There’s the scandal surrounding the CASA program in Snohomish
County, Washington, where a judge found “pervasive
and egregious misconduct.”
● There’s the matter of the former CASA for that same
program whose
diatribe about the overwhelmingly
poor disproportionately nonwhite parents the program sees would make Donald
Trump blush.
● There’s the CASA program in California that
fell apart over a simple
request that volunteers be more diverse.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Abuse of power: In New York City, hundreds of children thrown into foster care in so-called “emergencies” are sent back home within days or even hours – which almost always means there was no emergency
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Family defenders testify before the New York City Council about how the city child welfare agency abuses its power to throw children into foster care in "emergencies." |
We all know the classic party line from child welfare
agencies: Hey, they tell us, we don’t
take children, a judge has to approve everything we do, so there’s due process
for families.
As it happens, in a
column for Youth Today last
week, I just cited New York City as an example of why this isn’t true. At a New York City Council hearing last week,
the evidence that the claim is false became even more compelling.
In New York City, roughly half of all removals are done
without any judge approving them first – not even at a so-called ex parte hearing where only the city
child welfare agency, the Administration for Children’s Services, makes its
case. The worker simply takes away the child on the spot.
Nearly two decades ago, in a case brought by NCCPR’s Vice
President, a federal appellate court found
widespread abuse of the emergency removal power. But those abuses have
continued under one ACS administration after another – causing enormous
needless trauma for thousands of children.
The very act of taking the child first and going to court
later further stacks the deck against families at that first court
hearing. That hearing usually is
supposed to take place in roughly one to three days - though ACS
has been known to stall.
number ACS finally disclosed
And that makes a number ACS finally owned up to this week
even more shocking: For months, ACS said it just didn’t have a way to count how
many times, at that first hearing, judges say, in effect: “This case is a load
of b.s.” and send the child home – or ACS simply admits as much – or, more
likely, comes up with some way to save face and let the children go home.
For an
example of such a case, and how it traumatized the children, listen to thisexcellent documentary from NPR’s LatinoUSA – in particular the section that starts at 17:05 in:
But at a City
Council hearing last week, ACS produced a number. ACS says that in City Fiscal Year 2018 20 to
25 percent of “emergency” removals were such non-emergencies that the children
could go home at that very first hearing.

(In fact the number of needless “emergency” removals
probably is a lot higher, given the low standard of proof required to hold a
child in foster care and given one fact that never changes: Judges know that
they can rubber-stamp ACS hundreds of times and, though the children may suffer
terribly, the judge is safe. Overrule ACS once and have something go wrong and
the judge’s career can be over.)
And if the harm to these children isn’t bad enough, think of
all the time, money and effort wasted on these cases – time, money and effort that
was, in effect, stolen from finding children in real danger.
Of course ACS Commissioner David Hansell wasn’t about to
admit his agency was wrong to take away those hundreds of children. According to a story
in the Chronicle of Social Change, Hansell said that, in most cases, at that
first hearing
“ACS has consented,” to a judge’s decision to
return a child home — because, for example, a supervision plan had been put in
place with the parents or other family members, or an order of protection had been
approved against an abuser in the household.
But we’re talking about removals that often last a few days
or less – that’s long enough to traumatize a child but short enough to come up
with better alternatives – if you doubt it, listen to that Latino USA story.
Even assuming the ACS caseworkers got the basic facts right
– and that’s sometimes a stretch – consider the very example Hansell cites:
Instead of removing the child while awaiting that order of
protection how about removing the alleged abuser? There’s a mechanism for that: It’s called
“arrest.” There’s even a placement
available: It’s called “jail.”
And if they really can’t do that, why not just post a guard
outside the house until the order of protection is obtained? Or move the entire family – minus the alleged
abuser – to an undisclosed location for a few days? Instead, ACS chooses to
punish the children with needless foster care.
As Tehra Coles, litigation supervisor for parent defense at
the Center for Family Representation, said at the hearing:
of the cases filed, in our view, did not need a court filing. Any risk to a
child could have been mitigated by connecting the parents to needed services.
Is ACS backsliding on protecting children of battered mothers?
The hearing also raises new questions about how ACS is
approaching cases involving domestic violence.
Hansell said that one reason for a big increase in court
cases filed against families from 2015 to 2017 was “a sharp increase in the
number of indicated investigations with domestic violence present in the home.”

That’s because all the inherent trauma of removal actually
is worsened for the child if that child is being removed from a mother who was,
herself, a victim of domestic violence.
Indeed, during testimony in the class-action lawsuit one
expert said that, for the child this is “tantamount to pouring salt
into an open wound.”
Under past administrations ACS did fairly well in complying
with the consent decree that emerged from this lawsuit. Indeed, compared to much
of the rest of the country, New York City was a leader.
But Hansell’s whole tenure at ACS has been marked by retreat
from reform and dissembling about data.
His comment at the hearing raises questions about whether ACS is
backsliding here as well.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Child welfare and Big Data: If you think using predictive analytics to screen babysitters is scary …
Leave it to good old American private enterprise to find a
new, high-tech way to cash in on parerntal fears. In a front-page story, The
Washington Post reports that for
just $24.99 a firm called Predictim will pressure any potential babysitter into
giving the company permission to scour her or his social media feeds. (The
applicant can say no, but then s/he’s a lot less likely to get hired.)
Then they funnel all the data through an algorithm that
coughs up a series of “risk ratings” – on a scale of 1 to 5 – for everything
from drug abuse to bullying or having a “bad attitude.”
Of course it’s all justified in the name of “child safety.”
“If you search for abusive babysitters on Google, you’ll see
hundreds of results right now,” Predictim’s co-founder told the Post. “There’s people out there who
either have mental illness or are just born evil. Our goal is to do anything we
can to stop them.”
But the Post story
points out: “Even as Predictim’s technology influences parents’ thinking, it
remains largely unproven, largely unexplained and vulnerable to quiet biases…”
Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital
Democracy told the Post there is a “mad
rush to seize the power of AI [artificial intelligence] to make all kinds of
decisions without ensuring it’s accountable to human beings. It’s like people
have drunk the digital Kool-Aid and think this is an appropriate way to govern
our lives.”
But at least the sitters give their data to Predictim in a
way that is voluntary – albeit hard to refuse - and the potential abuses are
limited to whether a sitter gets a job.
It’s not as if some giant government agency is going to take data that
recipients are forced to surrender, funnel it through an algorithm and use it
against them to make life-and-death decisions about their families – well,
except Pittsburgh, Pa. which
already is doing it, and all the other cities and states that want to follow suit.

Proponents offer up bland boilerplate about how they will
never, ever abuse these screening tools and they’re always on guard for bias. But somehow those pesky biases keep
sneaking in.

So no, we can’t count on self-restraint to stop those in
child welfare who have drunk the predictive analytics Kool Aid. They can be restrained only by a public that realizes the
bigger threat to the children isn’t Mom and Dad – it’s Big Brother.
For a more detailed
discussion see our publication Big Data is Watching You and
article in Wired excerpted from
Prof. Virginia Eubanks’ book, Automating
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