Tuesday, February 4, 2025

NCCPR news and commentary roundup, week ending February 2, 2025

● When the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act, that challenge came from Texas. Now, The Imprint reports, the most comprehensive legislation anywhere in the country to expand the protections of ICWA to all children has been introduced – in Texas. If anything this law would go further than ICWA, in that it’s more specific about the obligations the courts and the state family police agency would have to meet. 

ICT News and the Montana Free Press report that Montana lawmakers are proposing to reauthorize and expand that state’s version of ICWA. That law applies only to Native American children, but in Montana, that’s a lot of children. Native Americans make up 9% of the state child population – but 35% of children in foster care. 

Writing in The Imprint Nora McCarthy and Jeremy Kohomban remind us that even when a family police investigation doesn’t lead to foster care, it still can do enormous harm to children.  They write: 

Investigations can leave enduring negative impacts on the family. Research finds that, after an investigation, parents limit social networks and help-seeking to reduce the risk of another investigation. This social isolation places children at even greater risk, and children can suffer when parents fear discussing family needs with educators, doctors and other helping professionals who are required by law to report child safety concerns. 

Clearly, to keep children safer, we must reserve an investigatory approach for children facing real danger. For children at low risk, we must develop methods to address family distress that inflict less harm. 

In this Newsweek story NCCPR points out the harm of such investigations, and notes that "every parental misjudgment—if that is what happened here—is not child abuse." 

● For another example of how the family police system can be the ultimate middle-class entitlement -- step right up and take someone else’s child for your very own! -- check out this story from WZTV in Nashville. 

The Imprint has an update on criminal charges against a foster youth advocate – charges that never should have been brought and which the relevant prosecuting agency and/or judge should have had the decency to dismiss out of hand. 

On the NCCPR Child Welfare Blog: a short trip into the weeds concerning how a state spins “child welfare” data, with lessons for those looking at such data everywhere. 

● Some good news: The University of North Carolina soon will join the growing list of law schools that have family defense clinics. 

In this week’s edition of The Horror Stories Go in All Directions: 

● From the Topeka Capital-Journal: 

Police in a Wichita-area town have arrested the adoptive parents of a girl whose body was found buried in a backyard five months ago, while officials with the state child welfare agency haven't yet released a summary of its involvement. 

The Rose Hill Police Department on Monday arrested the adoptive parents of the girl, whose birth name was Natalie Garcia and adoptive name was Kennedy Schroer. Her adoptive parents are 50-year-old Crystina Elizabeth Schroer and 53-year-old Joseph Shane Schroer.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Maine family police agency’s “good news” may not be so good

...unless you're a child taken by the Maine family police - in 
which case you might never go home.
(Photo by Jimmy Emerson)

The Maine Morning Star has a good story about some data from Maine’s family police agency, the Office of Child and Family Services.  OCFS is spinning the data, touting the simple fact that more children are leaving Maine foster care than entering as some kind of good news attributable to their efforts.  More likely, it’s what one would expect due to inertia.  It might be good news; it might not.

The exit/entry figure is more likely to mean simply that the foster-care panic in Maine is finally slowing down – as usually happens after a couple of years. So what does that mean? If you suddenly start taking away huge numbers of additional children then, of course, a couple of years later exits will exceed entries – simply because all those children needlessly taken are leaving the system one way or another, while entries have slowed from full-out panic levels. 

Of course, the fact that the panic may be slowing is itself good news – though it’s not slowing nearly enough.  This can be seen in another number: The claim that OCFS took away 900 children in 2024.  Two years ago, Maine took away 1,130 children. 

So IF – and it’s a big if – that 900 figure is accurate, it would mean that Maine’s rate of removal fell from more than double the national average (even when rates of child poverty are factored in) to “only” about 70% above the national average. The state still is a long way from returning to the years when it came so close to getting child welfare right. 

The reason for that big “if” has to do with the data sources.  The 2022 figure is the most recent available from the federal government’s Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System.  AFCARS gets the numbers from the states – but there are specific definitions for an entry into care.  When states publish their own data for the public they can define an entry any way they want.  Several times over the years I’ve found discrepancies between what states tell the public and what they tell AFCARS – and always, the number they give the public is lower. 

I am not saying that is happening here. I suggest only that it would be prudent to ask OCFS if the 900 figure conforms strictly to AFCARS definitions and to check past OCFS self-reported entry data against past AFCARS reports.  (The actual number reported to AFCARS won’t be identical, since AFCARS data are reported by federal fiscal year.) I tried doing that myself, but could not find entry figures on the OCFS website. 

One other bit of clearly bad news: In a state that tears apart so many families needlessly, it is outrageous that more children lose their birth parents forever because of adoption than are allowed to return to their own homes. This begs the question: Is OCFS getting the numbers down with a mad rush to deprive children of their parents forever (that’s what termination of parental rights really means) rather than by doing enough to avoid needless removal?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

NCCPR News and commentary round-up, week ending Januaruy 28, 2025

The Imprint asks if the new Secretary of the Interior, Doug Berman will 

continue the ongoing project to document the harms of Indian boarding schools? 

Interviews with boarding school survivors, child welfare leaders and tribal members reveal a mix of concern and cautious optimism that the work [former Interior Secretary Deb] Haaland set in motion will continue. 

● Child welfare’s crimes against Native Americans aren’t just in the past.  In The Imprint, Baz Hawk, a Native American survivor of the system writes that “America’s Favorite Pastime is Failing Native Foster Youth.” Hawk writes: 

Every time I was placed, it was in a non-Native household. When I was put into foster care, the government removed me from my Native grandmother and placed me with my white father who was a rapist and pedophile with prior convictions. After some predatory events occurred, I was put into foster care with my three half-siblings. The two younger children were placed differently, and I only saw them a few times after that. Then, my brother and I were placed four times. Each of those four times, I was placed in a non-Native household. 

The Baltimore Banner reports that Maryland is the latest state to discover how much it owes children abused in its care – now that the survivors are allowed to sue. 

● While in the Baltimore Sun social work student Jumara Perry writes about the racial bias that permeates “child welfare.” 

In this week’s edition of The Horror Stories Go in All Directions: 

From WRTV Indianapolis: 

A Morgan County couple faces over 100 combined charges for extensive allegations of abuse stemming from their roles as foster parents. In December, prosecutors filed charges against Brian and Sonja Stafford, both aged 60, totaling 121 counts related to child neglect, battery, human trafficking, molestation, and other offenses. 

A 155-page probable cause affidavit revealed over 13 years, the couple had mistreated at least 33 children who were in their care through fostering, adopting, or housing foreign exchange students. 11 specific victims have come forward with testimonies detailing severe physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

NCCPR in the Oregon Capital Chronicle: Oregon DHS needs to stop playing whack-a-mole with vulnerable children

For nearly a decade, Oregon’s approach to child welfare has amounted to a pathetic game of whack-a-mole.  The “solution” to one crisis begets another, while everyone ignores the issue at the root of it all: Oregon tears apart families needlessly at a rate well above the national average. 

This sick game began in earnest when news accounts exposed horrific abuse at one private agency’s group homes. They also revealed that the Oregon Department of Human Services knew about the abuse and did nothing. That investigation whacked the state into raising standards for foster homes. It wound up warehousing foster children in offices and jails. 

So — whack — a child advocacy group brought a lawsuit to prohibit the practice. DHS settled.  And children promptly wound up warehoused in hotels. Whack — there was another lawsuit and another settlement. 

Then DHS shipped children to horrible out-of-state institutions.  That was exposed, so DHS went back to warehousing children in what they called  “repurposed juvenile jails.” 

Now, the game of whack-a-mole may come full circle: …

 Read the full column in the Oregon Capital Chronicle

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

NCCPR news and commentary roundup, week ending January 21, 2025

● Some advocates in Maine have tried to use one data point in the federal government’s annual Child Maltreatment report to justify the state’s ongoing foster-care panic.  But the Maine Monitor took a closer look.  They took a deep dive into the federal report and concluded:

The new federal report bolsters some advocates’ argument that Maine is failing to keep kids safe not because it is investigating too few families but because it is investigating too many, and failing to identify the true threats in the deluge of cases. 

● A lawsuit alleges that one state maintains a secret docket of pregnant women. For those on it, it is alleged, this state will rely on a “network of informers” to plunder confidential records and spy on any mother they deem “high risk.” The state may even seek custody before the children are born.  You may be surprised at which state it is. I have a blog post about it, including links to two excellent news stories about the suit.  (Normally I’d mention the news organizations here, but then you’d know the state.)

The American Federation of Teachers has 1.8 million members.  Odds are most of them are mandatory reporters, that is, required by state law to report their slightest suspicion of abuse or “neglect” to family police agencies.  The AFT says that should change.  In a comprehensive report based in part on a survey of more than 1,000 educators, the union concludes: 

We must challenge school cultures rooted in regulating families, valuing compliance over compassion, and funneling marginalized students into foster care or prison. Educators are sensitive to both state and local policies. To move away from the ineffective intervention of mandatory reporting, policymakers must decriminalize absenteeism. They can also remove educators from state laws on mandatory reporting, making reporting an option rather than a requirement. [Emphasis added.] 

Citing the phrase coined by JMACforFamilies, the AFT calls for replacing mandatory reporting with mandatory supporting.  The AFT has an overview here. 

● Oregon’s governor wants to loosen regulations curing abuse in foster care – because they can’t think of any other way to deal with a so-called shortage of placements.  In a commentary for the Oregon Capital Chronicle I suggest an alternative.  

● Among the many perverse financial incentives in family policing is the emergence of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – a program intended to help families become self-sufficient – as a child welfare slush fund. ProPublica reported on it in 2021. Changing some of this requires legislation, but, in part, the practice can be curbed through regulation.  Unfortunately, as The Imprint reports, during its final days, the Biden Administration withdrew regulations that would have done just that. 

The Imprint also has a useful summary of a federal report tracking how often children wind up in foster care because their parents have no other way to get them mental health care.  The report finds wide variation among the states.  Unfortunately, the report did not find out how often parents are surrendering adopted children. 

In this week’s edition of The Horror Stories Go in All Directions: 

● From The Miami Herald: 

A children’s book author and her husband abused their three adopted children until one went into multi-organ failure and nearly died, Florida authorities said. 

The couple pleaded guilty on Jan. 13 to three counts of aggravated child abuse causing great bodily harm and three counts of child neglect with great bodily harm, Seminole County records show. The 45-year-old wife, accused of being the primary disciplinarian, was sentenced to 12 years in prison, while the 43-year-old husband received a 10-year sentence.

Monday, January 20, 2025

“The hospital staff were texting with [the child welfare agency] about the dilation of her cervix”

One state allegedly maintains a secret docket of pregnant women. For those on it, it is alleged, this state will rely on a “network of informers” to plunder confidential records and spy on any mother they deem “high risk.” The state may even seek custody before the children are born.  You may be surprised at which state it is.

A lawsuit was filed last week that alleges the following: 

● A pregnant woman was reported to a state family police agency despite no allegation of abuse or neglect.

● She became part of a secret docket of pregnant women singled out for intensive government monitoring.

● Her confidential medical records were obtained and read by strangers without her knowledge.

● Every aspect of her delivery, down to the centimeter, was reported to the government, again without her knowledge.

● The government attempted to force her to undergo a medical procedure.

● The government confiscated her child at birth – refusing to allow the mother to touch her newborn, or even see her.

● The government placed the child with strangers two hours away, strictly limited visits and tried to deprive the child of her mother forever.

So here’s the first question of a two-question pop quiz: The next few paragraphs are from a news story about the lawsuit – and if anything illustrates why “family police agency” is a more accurate term than “child welfare” agency, it’s these next few paragraphs.  I’ve removed information that would reveal the state in which this allegedly occurred.  As you read, see if you can guess the state. 

The [child welfare agency] went to extraordinary and illegal lengths to remove a child from its mother’s custody, aided by an internal program that monitors the pregnancies of multiple [residents], a new lawsuit … alleges. 

The 30-page complaint… accuses the department of secretly tracking the pregnancies of multiple [state residents] that it deems “high-risk” with an internal calendar, without their knowledge or consent. 

The … suit focuses on the case of one mother, identified only as A.V., in which the [child welfare agency] — citing concerns about A.V.’s mental health — allegedly used confidential medical information to secure custody of her daughter before she had even given birth. The department also allegedly sought a court order for the hospital to perform a caesarean section while the mother was in labor, all without A.V.’s knowledge. 

[The agency] removed the infant from her mother’s custody immediately after she was born, according to the suit, only to have the child returned by court order months later. 

“No court ever found that A.V. lacked parental capacity,” the suit reads, alleging that [the agency] did not cite any formal mental health evaluation of A.V. to support its actions. 

It’s obvious, right? A state that would develop what the lawsuit calls “a network of informers,” plunder a mother’s confidential medical records, based on no more than a guess that a fetus was in danger? A state that would demand custody of what anti-abortion crusaders would call a “pre-born child”?  Must be Texas, or maybe Mississippi, right? 

If that were the answer there’d be no point in the quiz, of course.  No, this lawsuit was filed in a state so deep blue that the far right likes to call it “the People’s Republic of Vermont.”  The lawsuit was brought by the Vermont ACLU, along with Pregnancy Justice and two private firms, against the Vermont family police agency, a Vermont hospital, Copley, and a Vermont agency, Lund, that provided confidential pre-natal counseling to the mother (well she thought it was confidential).  Those paragraphs above are from an excellent story in VT Digger.  Vermont Public also has done an excellent story about the case. 

The case at the heart of the suit is no aberration in a couple of ways.  

First, as Vermont Public reports, the lawsuit alleges that the state Department for Children and Families maintains a secret 

so-called “high-risk pregnancy calendar” to regularly monitor pregnant Vermonters deemed “unsuitable for parenthood,” using confidential information illegally obtained from medical providers and social service organizations. 

The information comes from what the lawsuit calls 

[A] network of informers, including medical and social work professionals like the staff at Copley Hospital and Lund, [who] unlawfully collect sensitive information about pregnant Vermonters, even where there is no allegation or suspicion of neglect or abuse. DCF then uses the collected information to zealously seek termination of parental rights, often without having substantiated the anecdotes, information, or concerns directly. 

According to the lawsuit, one is blacklisted on this “calendar” – a term that comes from tracking due dates -- not based on conventional medical criteria for high risk, but rather 

“based solely on speculative concerns about future parenting ability, a determination that often relies on outdated, anecdotal, unsubstantiated, subjective, and discriminatory criteria. 

Those criteria include 

prior involvement with DCF as a child; housing status; or an expectant mother’s preference for “natural” over medically assisted birth. 

As the lawsuit notes: 

Vermont has long represented itself as a haven for bodily autonomy, and the General Assembly legislates against a backdrop of protection for reproductive rights, not conceptions of fetal personhood. Yet despite its limited statutory mandate to protect existing, born children, DCF regularly seeks out information about pregnant Vermonters who have never previously interacted with the agency. DCF amasses pre-birth evidence to support its subjective belief that these women will later make poor parents. Upon, or shortly after birth, DCF then intervenes to seize their infants.

Indeed, in 2022, Vermont voters added a e “reproductive liberty amendment” to the State Constitution. 

Yet Vermont allegedly is implementing upon pregnant woman a Project 2025-style surveillance scheme strikingly similar to one proposed by self-proclaimed liberal Elizabeth Bartholet.

Vermont’s long, ugly history

But that’s not the only way this case is not unusual.  As noted previously on this Blog, for decades, liberal Vermont has torn apart families at one of the highest rates in the nation, more than quadruple the national average.  (But don’t get too smug, conservatives – West Virginia is even worse, and four other deep red states are right behind Vermont.) 

It's all horrifyingly clear in the case of A.V., the mother at the center of the lawsuit. 

The case began when she could not stay in her apartment and had to move to a homeless shelter.  (You don’t think DCF would do this to a rich person, do you?)  The shelter’s director decided that A.V. seemed to have mental health issues.  We don’t know how she reached this decision – except that it was not the result of any evaluation by a mental health professional. But, according to the lawsuit, the shelter director didn’t think A.V. was aware that she was pregnant. This is a bit odd since A.V. had already gone to Lund for prenatal counseling.  (By the way, Lund advertises “nonjudgmental counseling”). 

But there was something else: DCF knew that A.V. had herself allegedly been abused as a child – so she was on the agency’s radar as a victim.  And yes, being a victim of child abuse, or having been in foster care, does indeed make you more likely to face the trauma of investigation and the loss of your own child at the hands of the family police. 

So, as Vermont Public explains: 

The shelter’s report prompted DCF to open “an assessment for lack of parental capacity” and assign a caseworker. The caseworker then reached out to Lund, where A.V. had sought a confidential counseling session, and Copley, where A.V. planned to give birth. She also reached out to A.V.’s mother, according to the ACLU, who said that A.V. had no mental health diagnoses and had made preparations for the baby’s arrival. 

In violation of DCF’s own policies, the caseworker did not even notify A.V. that this assessment was taking place, according to the ACLU. Both Lund and Copley provided to DCF the information the caseworker sought — without A.V.’s knowledge or consent. 

A.V. … went into labor on Feb. 11, 2022. Unbeknownst to A.V., workers at Copley notified DCF, and offered highly granular — and confidential — updates to the state about A.V.’s delivery. 

“The hospital staff were texting with DCF about the dilation of her cervix,” senior ACLU staff attorney Harrison Stark said in an interview.

While A.V. was still in labor, DCF and Deputy State’s Attorney Aliena Gerhard went to court, seeking to transfer temporary custody of A.V.'s as-yet-unborn child to DCF. 

Among other things, DCF wrongly told the court that A.V. already had given birth. The lawsuit alleges DCF knew that wasn’t true.  With A.V. unaware this was happening, let alone being able to defend herself, the judge, who, remember, had been told the child already had been born, approved the request.

But DCF and the hospital weren’t done with A.V.  Her labor continued into the next day, so the hospital allegedly went from agency to agency to agency looking for someone who would go to court to ask a judge to force A.V. to have a Cesarian section. Commendably, the state mental health agency refused. Naturally, DCF obliged.  But while the court process was underway, A.V. agreed to the C-section. 

An infant confiscated at birth 

DCF confiscated the child, known in court papers as S.V., at birth.  As the lawsuit states “A.V. was not allowed to hold - or even touch – the baby.” (Or, to put it another way, the baby was not allowed to hold – or even touch – her mother.)  

Then it got worse.  Again, from the lawsuit Complaint: 

Staff placed A.V. in a room adjacent to the hospital’s nursery. … Although A.V. could hear infants, including presumably S.V., cry in the next room, she was told that she was not allowed to approach the nursery and could not attempt to view her baby under any circumstances. 

The child was placed with foster parents two hours away, visits, including one at a police station, were strictly limited and highly supervised. 

We don’t know why, but we do know that this was a great way for DCF to ensure that the infant would view her own mother as a stranger.  That’s a great way to play the “bonding card” as a means to cut off the child from her mother forever.  As the lawsuit notes: 

A.V. feared her discomfort and S.V.’s unfamiliarity with her would be used as grounds to delay reunification or sever her custody rights. For example, DCF frequently reported that S.V. cried inconsolably during visits with her mother, and it attempted to use these reports as evidence of A.V.’s purported parental unsuitability. …  A.V. was led to believe that if S.V. cried during a visit, then she would be blamed and would not be allowed to see or hold her baby in the future, let alone regain custody. 

Fortunately, the court didn’t fall for it.  Seven months after DCF confiscated the child, A.V. got her back.  It should have been sooner, but DCF repeatedly stalled the process by filing so-called “emergency motions.”  By then actual mental health professionals had conducted an actual evaluation. According to the lawsuit, they “concluded that A.V. suffered none of the mental health conditions alleged by DCF.” 

This time, according to the lawsuit, A.V. gave consent to DCF to actually read the record – and DCF refused! 

One of those alleged mental health conditions, one that is cited repeatedly, is particularly interesting. 

To see why, let’s review again what allegedly happened here: 

● A pregnant woman was reported to a state family police agency despite no allegation of abuse or neglect.

● She became part of a secret docket of pregnant women singled out for intensive government monitoring.

● Her confidential medical records were obtained and read by strangers without her knowledge.

● Every aspect of her delivery, down to the centimeter, was reported to the government, again without her knowledge.

● The government attempted to force her to undergo a medical procedure.

● The government confiscated her child at birth – refusing to allow the mother to touch her newborn, or even see her.

● The government placed the child with strangers two hours away, strictly limited visits and tried to deprive the child of her mother forever. 

So here’s the second question of the quiz: What mental health condition kept coming up as something from which the mother allegedly suffered?


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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

NCCPR News and commentary round-up, week ending Jan 14, 2024

● A story I missed from late last year: The Maine Morning Star reports on how, as the headline says, “Maine’s definition of neglect is ‘easy to conflate with poverty’”  Citing two Maine family defense attorneys, the story concludes: 

Kilgore said she has families on the verge of reunification, but who are delayed because they are trying to find the money for a security deposit. Housing can be “terrifying” for a family, Richter said, given the state’s lack of affordable units and how losing housing can trigger child protective services’ involvement. 

And that’s just one example. If the family with the broken car were given funds to pay the mechanic, that sort of assistance could help circumvent an investigation and perhaps keep a family together. 

● The problem is compounded by the foster-care panic that has engulfed the state. The panic has been fueled in part by local advocates and reporters misreading an annual federal report on child abuse.  I have a commentary in the Morning Star about what that report means, and what it does not.  (It applies to every other state as well). 

● Meanwhile, the Maine Child Welfare Action Network has an op-ed in the Kennebec Journal  that reads in part: 

Maine’s current definition of child abuse and neglect is vague, conflates neglect with poverty and does not provide sufficient guidance for the long list of professionals who are required to report suspected abuse and neglect. This, along with heightened awareness and fear due to highly publicized child deaths, has led to a harmful strain on our child protection agency. Families are overreported, and most reports are not appropriate for investigation. Families that are reported unnecessarily often don’t receive the services they may need and experience further mistrust of a system with the power to take their children away. This makes it less likely parents will seek help when they need it. 

Flooding our child protection agency with unnecessary reports stretches the system’s capacity, making it less able to effectively intervene when children are truly unsafe. 

That’s all very nice (and entirely correct) but it would be more credible if the Maine Child Welfare Action Network apologized for the fact that its own parent agency, the Maine Children’s Alliance, was among those most responsible for spreading the dangerous misinformation I discuss in my op-ed.  Last year, they poured gasoline on the fires of foster-care panic. Applying a little water now doesn’t make up for it. 

● Child abuse pediatrician Barbara Knox left Wisconsin after her behavior was called into question by Wisconsin Watch.  She moved to Alaska, where her behavior was called into question by the Anchorage Daily News.  Now she’s at the University of Florida – where her behavior has been called into question by the university’s independent student newspaper, The Allegator.  Their story has something new: Allegations of racial bias.  From the story: 

Knox has also commented on employees’ skin color. The second CPT employee, who is mixed race, said Knox once asked her, “Why are you getting so dark?” 

According to the first [child protection team] employee, Knox complained that the receptionist for CPT’s Tallahassee office, a Black woman, looked “ghetto” due to having long, decorated fingernails.  In her account, Knox also wanted a case built against the Tallahassee receptionist and described her as “lazy” and someone who “looks like one of our clientele.” … 

Knox would treat families of color differently than white families, according to all three employees.  “We have African American, Hispanic, Muslim families that come in, and… she will go ahead and verify a report against them [over the smallest of issues], say it’s child abuse, and put the family in terrible, terrible situations,” one employee said. 

When the child of a white doctor arrived to the clinic with gonorrhea — which is highly indicative of sexual abuse — Knox decided not to verify the case and claimed the child contracted gonorrhea from unwashed hands, the employee said. 

● In Tennessee, WZTV reports, a former caseworker is speaking out about the contempt some of her colleagues display toward the children they supposedly are rescuing. 


On Jan. 22, Melody Webb, founder and executive director of the Mothers Outreach Network will discuss MON’s Mother-Up program providing cash assistance to families at risk of having their poverty confused with “neglect.”  The webinar is sponsored by the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law.  You can register here. 

And finally … 

● According to this New York Times Story: 

Hundreds of thousands of Tibetan children are being separated from their families and placed in boarding schools by the Chinese government. They are being educated mostly in Mandarin and indoctrinated with official Chinese values of loyalty and patriotism. For China’s leader, Xi Jinping, the boarding schools are crucial to absorbing Tibetans into a nation united around the Communist Party. Our reporting shows that far from home, the children are at risk of abuse, and of being stripped of their Tibetan identity and bonds with family. 

Gee; I wonder where China got that idea?