They’re backing another pointless – and potentially harmful – McLawsuit by the group that calls itself Children’s Rights.
For full details on CR’s unfortunate track record, read our publication The Children Wronged by “Children’s Rights”
Here we go again. The
group that so arrogantly calls itself Children’s Rights (CR) – while ignoring
children’s right to their own families – has filed another
of their McLawsuits against a state child welfare system.
Nothing unusual in this. But one of their allies in the suit
ought to know better. For them, signing
onto the suit is a betrayal of their own stated mission.
CR’s McLawsuits reflect the finest thinking of the 19th
Century – when self-proclaimed “child savers” rushed to take impoverished
children from their supposedly unworthy, unfit parents. That’s still the norm today. But instead of working to curb these
practices, CR lawsuits aim to “fix” foster care largely by throwing more
caseworkers and more paperwork at the problems.
What’s the matter with Kansas child welfare?
This time the target of the lawsuit is Kansas.
As usual, CR’s
description of the enormous harm the system does to children is undoubtedly
accurate. As a horror show for children,
Kansas child welfare may be matched only
by Texas. But as usual, CR got the solutions all wrong.
The lawsuit ignores the problem that drives everything else:
The system is inundated with children who never needed to be taken from their
parents in the first place. CR always
ignores this. But it takes a particularly willful measure of ignorance to
ignore it in Kansas.
Kansas tears apart families at the a rate nearly 50 percent
above the national average. And that’s only the official figure. As
we first discovered more than a decade ago, the state hides a huge number
of entries into foster care, violating at least the spirit and possibly the
letter of federal regulations. Include those placements in the total and Kansas
may be tearing apart families at the highest rate in the nation. (There’s more
about all this, and the other failings in the Kansas system, in our 2008 report on Kansas child welfare.)
Even the former head of the Kansas child welfare agency effectively
admitted, albeit inadvertently, that there are plenty of children in Kansas
foster care who
don’t need to be there.
And what does CR’s 68-page lawsuit complaint say about
this? Not one word.
After documenting some of the most horrific problems in any
foster care system in America, the solutions called for by the suit are mostly
requests for injunctions barring the state from doing things such as moving
children from home to home night after night, sometimes more than 100 times. But Kansas can’t stop doing that
until Kansas stops taking too many children needlessly.
They also seek a study to tell us what we already know --
that caseloads are too high -- followed by the usual caseworker hiring
binge. But if all you do is hire more caseworkers without changing Kansas child
welfare’s take-the-child-and-run approach, all the new caseworkers simply chase
all the new cases and all you get is the same lousy system only bigger.

The founder of CR, Marcia Lowry once famously said she doesn’t
know how to fix poverty but she knows how to fix foster care. In fact, there’s
no evidence she knows how to fix either one. Sometimes her lawsuits actually made
the poverty worse. Though Lowry is no
longer with CR, this latest suit is typical of the kinds she brought. So there’s
nothing to prevent the Kansas suit from making poverty worse.
That’s not the only way things could get worse. CR actually
seems to be calling for Kansas to add more of the worst form of care of all: “residential
treatment centers” (RTCs) – even though there is no
evidence it works, even though there are far better alternatives, and even
though, on the very next page of its complaint, CR acknowledges that existing
beds in RTCs are being filled by children who don’t need to be there! (By which,
of course, CR means they could be in foster homes. CR would never, ever suggest
they could be in their own homes.)
CR’s partners
CR has two partners in this suit. One is the National Center for Youth Law,
based in California. No surprise
there. Long ago, their similarly myopic approach
to litigation prompted
me to call them “Children’s Rights West.”
But the big disappointment is the other partner: Kansas Appleseed. They really ought to know better. On its website, they say they “investigate
social, economic, and political injustice in Kansas and work toward systemic
solutions.” They describe themselves as
part of a network “working to defeat poverty and injustice.”
But this lawsuit does nothing to defeat either and may
worsen both.
● There is nothing in this lawsuit about the children torn
from everyone they know and love because family poverty
is confused with neglect – in spite of the fact that a study linked the
rise in foster care in Kansas directly to cuts
in public assistance.
● There is nothing in this lawsuit about the racial bias that permeates child welfare.
● There is nothing in this lawsuit about providing concrete
help to families instead of simply hiring new caseworkers to do exactly what
the old caseworkers do – needlessly tear apart families at an obscene rate.
(Oh, and there’s also nothing about curbing the mad rush to
termination of parental rights and quick-and-dirty slipshod adoptive
placements, even though three of the ten “named plaintiffs” in the suit were
victims of failed adoptions.)
And Kansas Appleseed is not alone. Over the years, Appleseed
groups in two other states have joined similar McLawsuits.
CR’s usual excuse
Perhaps they were lulled into joining by CR’s oft-repeated
claim that you can’t sue on behalf of children not yet in the system. In fact, you can – as evidenced by the fact
that CR
itself has done it.
And, of course one of the only class-action lawsuits that
ever significantly improved a child welfare system, the one in Alabama, was built around
rebuilding the system to do more to keep families together. One of the groups that brought the lawsuit,
the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law wrote a whole
book about it. (Bazelon’s legal director also is a member of NCCPR’s
volunteer Board of Directors.)
So it can be done.
And there’s still a way to do it in Kansas. Most of these McLawsuits are resolved through
negotiations. The resulting agreements
usually involve a lot of pointless micromanaging and, of course, the caseworker
hiring binge.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Kansas Appleseed can be
true to its stated mission by insisting on an Alabama-style resolution to the
case - instead of what usually follows a CR McLawsuit: A CR McSettlement.