Thursday, April 29, 2010

If you’re reading this, you’re in good company

There probably will be fewer posts to this Blog for the next couple of weeks, so this seemed like a good time to step back and let regular readers know who else is here.

Odds are, right about now, someone from a state or local government, a major media organization, a big university, and/or a child advocacy organization with a vastly bigger budget than NCCPR's is reading this Blog. It says a lot about how influential NCCPR has become that just about every major player in child welfare checks in here, some of them remarkably often.

    They don't all like what they read, of course. But if NCCPR weren't so influential, all these organizations wouldn't need to be reading our material.

    People at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services read this blog, and our website, regularly. Same with both houses of Congress, and the Government Accountability Office. We've gotten hits from at least two-thirds of state governments, and some of them check in here twice a week or more. State court offices have been here, as has the National Conference of State Legislatures. And so have government agencies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Japan, China and other nations.

Journalists from The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times (they've been here a lot lately), USA Today, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, ProPublica, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR and the BBC, along with scores of other news organizations, have been here to read our take on child welfare issues.

Students and/or faculty from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and hundreds of other colleges and universities around the world have learned from this Blog and from our website.

The Child Welfare League of America visits here, and so do many state trade associations for public and private child welfare agencies. The Children's Defense Fund has been here and so has the Chapin Hall Center for Children, Child Trends, Prevent Child Abuse America, the American Humane Association, the National CASA Association, and the National District Attorneys Association. Casey Family Programs, which spent 51 hours on this site in 2009, has come back often this year as well. So has Casey Family Services, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Jim Casey Youth Opportunities. And the group that so arrogantly calls itself Children's Rights checks this Blog, like clockwork, almost every working day.

Most important, all that influence has led to concrete accomplishment. Click here for some examples. And you can see what some journalists and reform-minded child welfare professionals say about us by clicking here.

I mention all this now for another reason: We need the help of what public television would call "viewers like you." (Yes, this is another Blog equivalent of a "pledge break".)

For more than ten years, NCCPR has relied almost exclusively on foundation funding. But that alone is no longer enough. We need help from all those who feel we've made an important contribution to the child welfare debate, and who want to see more accomplishments like those examples you can find by clicking the link above.

If you can help, please click this link to make a donation via Network for Good.

We can't send you a tote bag. But we can use every donation to continue the fight for safer children and stronger families.