Friday, February 2, 2024

NCCPR in Rhode Island Current: Why DCYF tolerates abusive institutions: Ashley Deckert says the quiet part out loud

It happens all over the country. A watchdog agency or a news organization exposes rampant abuse of children confined to group homes and institutions. Just in the past year, horrors have been exposed in Arizona, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Washington State, Arkansas, Connecticut and New York, to name a few. 

Whenever all that abuse is exposed, people wonder how it could have been missed by the state’s child protective services agency, the agency mandated to keep children safe and, often, the very agency that put the children there in the first place. Thanks to Ashley Deckert, director of the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), we know the real answer. Speaking at a legislative hearing concerning appalling abuse at St. Mary’s Home for Children, she said ...

Read the full column in Rhode Island Current